Τα προϊόντα & υπηρεσίες της GLOBASSURE [συνοπτικά]
- Ασφάλιση Υγείας
- Νοσοκομειακή Περίθαλψη
- Εξωνοσοκομειακή Περίθαλψη
- Ασφάλιση ζωής
- Ασφάλιση ανικανότητας
- Ασφάλιση απώλειας εισοδήματος
- Συνταξιοδοτικά προγράμματα
Αναλυση Αναγκων
Αναλύουμε τις ανάγκες της εταιρίας σας βάσει της οργανωτικής δομής και των δραστηριοτήτων σας
ερευνα Αγορας
Διεξάγουμε έρευνα αγοράς στην Ελλάδα & το εξωτερικό για την εύρεση της πιο ποιοτικής λύσης στο πιο ανταγωνιστικό κόστος
Παρουσιαση Προτασεων & Επιλογη
Σας παρουσιάζουμε τα πλεονεκτήματα & μειονεκτήματα των εναλλακτικών της αγοράς και σας βοηθάμε στην επιλογή σας
Συναψη Συμβολαιου & Συνεχης Υποστηριξη
Σας υποστηρίζουμε στην διαδικασία ασφάλισης αλλά και σε όλες τις σχετικές ενέργειες (απαιτήσεις αποζημείωσης, εξόφληση ασφαλίστρων κλπ)
Οι παγκόσμιες συνεργασίες μας!
Η GLOBASSURE συνεργάζεται με τις μεγαλύτερες ασφαλιστικές εταιρίες της παγκόσμιας αγοράς.
ALLIANZ Worldwide
AXA Global
BUPA Global
CIGNA Global
IMG Europe
APRIL International
Διεθνής Ασφάλιση Υγείας
Το πιο οικονομικό πρόγραμμα ασφάλισης της CIGNA. Νοσοκομειακή κάλυψη έως 800.000€ κατ’ έτος σε δίκλινο δωμάτιο και προαιρετικά, εξωνοσοκομειακή κάλυψη, ιατρική εκκένωση, οφθαλμολογική & οδοντιατρική κάλυψη, έλεγχοι υγείας & κάλυψη Η.Π.Α.
Το πιο δημοφιλές πρόγραμμα ασφάλισης της CIGNA με κάλυψη έως 1.600.000€ κατ’ έτος σε μονόκλινο, διεύρυνση των καλύψεων, αύξηση ορίων και κάλυψη τοκετού έως 5.500€ κατ’ έτος (12 μήνες αναμονή). Επιπλέον, κάλυψη νεογνού έως 55.500€ για τους πρώτους 3 μήνες ζωής & κάλυψη συγγενών παθήσεων! (12 μήνες αναμονή)
Το πρόγραμμα ασφάλισης της CIGNA για του πιο απαιτητικούς, με απεριόριστη(!) κάλυψη, περαιτέρω διεύρυνση των καλύψεων & αύξηση ορίων. Η κάλυψη τοκετού αυξάνεται στις 11.000€ κατ’ έτος (12 μήνες αναμονή). Αύξηση ορίου για κάλυψη νεογνού σε 122.000€! (12 μήνες αναμονή)
Διεθνής Ασφάλιση Υγείας
Το πιο οικονομικό πρόγραμμα ασφάλισης της AXA Global Healthcare με κάλυψη έως €1.275.000 ετησίως για τα έξοδα νοσηλείας σε μονόκλινο στο νοσοκομείο της επιλογής σας – χειρουργικές επεμβάσεις, ψηφιακή απεικόνιση, ακτινοθεραπεία και χημειοθεραπεία καλύπτονται και στα εξωτερικά ιατρεία και ιδιωτικές κλινικές. Προαιρετικά μπορεί να προστεθεί η Εξωνοσοκομειακή κάλυψη η οποία καλύπτει έως ένα αριθμό εξωνοσοκομειακών καλύψεων όπως ιατρικές επισκέψεις, εμβόλια, διαγνωστικές, στον ιατρό της επιλογής σας έως €950 ετησίως, η ταξιδιωτική ασφάλιση ή/και η κάλυψη στις ΗΠΑ.
Το ολοκληρωμένο πρόγραμμα της AXA Global Healthcare που προσφέρει ότι και το Standard (έως €1.900.000 ετησίως) με την προσθήκη ενός αριθμού εξωνοσοκομειακών καλύψεων όπως ιατρικές επισκέψεις, εμβόλια, διαγνωστικές, στον ιατρό της επιλογής σας έως €4.460 ετησίως, φάρμακα, οδοντιατρική φροντίδα κλπ. Προαιρετικά μπορεί να προστεθεί η αναβάθμιση της οδοντιατρικής περίθαλψης για αύξηση του ποσοστού κάλυψης οδοντιατρικής φροντίδας σε 80% με όριο €1.275 ετησίως συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ελέγχων ρουτίνας, καθαρισμών και γυαλίσματος, η ταξιδιωτική ασφάλιση ή/και η κάλυψη στις ΗΠΑ.
Το πλήρες πρόγραμμα της AXA Global Healthcare που προσφέρει ότι και το Comprehensive (έως €2.550.000 ετησίως) με ανώτερα όρια στις εξωνοσοκομειακές καλύψεις (€7.330) αλλά και την προσθήκη ενός δωρεάν check-up ενηλίκου, την κάλυψη των εξόδων εγκυμοσύνης και τοκετού (έως €12.750 ετησίως μετά από 18 μήνες αναμονή) και την δωρεάν παροχή ταξιδιωτικής ασφάλισης. Προαιρετικά μπορεί να προστεθεί η αναβάθμιση της οδοντιατρικής περίθαλψης για αύξηση του ποσοστού κάλυψης οδοντιατρικής φροντίδας σε 80% με όριο €1.900 ετησίως συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ελέγχων ρουτίνας, καθαρισμών και γυαλίσματος, ή/και η κάλυψη στις ΗΠΑ.
Prestige Plus
Το απόλυτο πρόγραμμα της AXA Global Healthcare που προσφέρει ότι και το Prestige (έως €6.375.000 ετησίως) χωρίς ετήσιο οικονομικό όριο στις εξωνοσοκομειακές καλύψεις (με όριο επισκέψεων/συνεδριών), με αυξημένο όριο check-up ενηλίκου έως €510 ετησίως, αυξημένο όριο για την κάλυψη των εξόδων εγκυμοσύνης και τοκετού (έως €15.300 ετησίως μετά από 18 μήνες αναμονή), κάλυψη AIDS, αιμοκάθαρση, περιλαμβάνει αυξημένο ποσοστό κάλυψης οδοντιατρικής φροντίδας (80% έως €4.450), και δωρεάν παροχή ταξιδιωτικής ασφάλισης. Προαιρετικά μπορεί να προστεθεί η κάλυψη στις ΗΠΑ.
Ιδιωτική Ασφάλιση Τοκετού
Τα προγράμματα ιδιωτικής ασφάλισης τοκετού περιλαμβάνουν:
μονόκλινο δωμάτιο, χωρίς πλαφόν στις αμοιβές χειρούργου & αναισθησιολόγου, πλήρη κάλυψη σε μονάδα εντατικής θεραπείας, νοσηλίων, φαρμάκων, διαγνωστικών κ.τ.λ.
Κάλυψη συγγενών παθήσεων (με υπο-όριο)
Δυνατότητα μεταφοράς ασφαλισιμότητας
απολυτη προστασια
Ελευθερία επιλογής νοσοκομείου & ιατρών
Δυνατότητα κάλυψης προϋπαρχουσών ασθενειών
Κάλυψη συγγενών παθήσεων (με υπο-όριο)
Δυνατότητα μεταφοράς ασφαλισιμότητας
απολυτη προστασια
Ελευθερία επιλογής νοσοκομείου & ιατρών
Δυνατότητα κάλυψης προϋπαρχουσών ασθενειών
Ομαδικές Ασφαλίσεις Επιχειρήσεων & Εργαζομένων
Τα προγράμματα ομαδικών ασφαλίσεων περιλαμβάνουν [συνοπτικά]:
Προστασία του βιοτικού επιπέδου των εργαζομένων και των οικογενειών τους, σε περίπτωση ενός απρόσμενου και ατυχούς συμβάντος για τον εργαζόμενο
Προσέλκυση ταλέντου – ανθρώπινου δυναμικού
Πλεονεκτήματα & Καλύψεις ασφάλισης AXA GLOBAL
What is insured?
An overall policy limit of £5,000,000/$8,000,000/€6,375,000 per person, per year
In-patient and day-patient treatment
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for hospital charges, including charges for psychiatric treatment (up to 100 days for lifetime of policy), accommodation and diagnostic tests.
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for surgeons’, anaesthetists’ and physicians’ charges.
Up to ten weeks treatment within the overall policy limit for emergency treatment needed in the USA, limited to a total of £30,000/$48,000/€38,250. Only applicable if USA cover is not chosen.
Hospital accommodation paid in full within your area of cover for one parent to stay with a child under 18.
Hotel accommodation paid up to £100/$160/€125 a night up to £500/$800/€625 a year for a parent to stay nearby when a child is receiving eligible treatment at a hospital that is not in their home town.
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for cancer treatment, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Out-patient treatment
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for:
o Surgical procedures, CT, MRI and PET scans, drugs and dressings, Medical practitioner fees and diagnostic tests
o Psychiatric treatment, up to a maximum of 30 sessions per policy year
o Physiotherapy treatment, up to a maximum of 35 sessions per policy year
o Complementary practitioner fees, up to a maximum of 35 sessions per policy year.
Up to £500/$800/€635 for vaccinations and their administration.
Up to £2,000/$3,200/€2,550 per policy year for emergency out-patient treatment in the USA. Only applicable if the USA cover is not chosen.
Up to £100/$160/€125 per session for up to 15 sessions per policy year for Chinese herbal medicine
What is insured?
An overall policy limit of £2,000,000/$3,200,000/€2,550,000 per person, per year
In-patient and day-patient treatment
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for hospital charges, including charges for psychiatric treatment (up to 100 days for lifetime of policy), accommodation and diagnostic tests.
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for surgeons’, anaesthetists’ and physicians’ charges.
Up to ten weeks treatment within the overall policy limit for emergency treatment needed in the USA, limited to a total of £20,000/$32,000/€25,500. Only applicable if USA cover is
not chosen.
Hospital accommodation paid in full within your area of cover for one parent to stay with a child under 18.
Up to £100/$160/€125 a night up to £500/$800/€625 a year for a parent to stay in a hotel nearby when the child is having eligible treatment at a hospital that is not in their home town.
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for cancer treatment, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Out-patient treatment
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for surgical procedures.
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for CT, MRI and PET scans.
Up to £750/$1,200/€950 for drugs and dressings.
Up to £5,750/$9,200/€7,330 in total for:
o Medical practitioner fees
o Psychiatric treatment
o Diagnostic tests
o Physiotherapy treatment
o Up to £300/$480/€380 for vaccinations and their
administration (out of combined limit)
o Up to £300/$480/€380 for complementary practitioner
fees (out of combined limit)
What is insured?
An overall policy limit of £100,000/$160,000/€125,000 per person, per policy year
In-patient and day-patient treatment
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for hospital charges, including charges for psychiatric treatment (up to 100 days for lifetime of policy), accommodation and diagnostic tests.
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for surgeons’, anaesthetists’ and physicians’ charges.
Hospital accommodation paid in full within your area of cover for one parent to stay with a child under 18.
Hotel accommodation paid up to £100/$160/€125 a night up to £500/$800/€625 a year for a parent to stay nearby when a child is receiving eligible treatment at a hospital
that is not in their home town.
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for cancer treatment, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Out-patient treatment
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for surgical procedures.
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for CT, MRI and PET scans.
Other benefits
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for emergency or medically necessary ambulance transport.
Emergency evacuation or repatriation.
Up to £5,000/$8,000/€6,375 for accidental damage to teeth.
Access to a virtual doctor service for unlimited video appointments and telephone consultations.
What is insured?
An overall policy limit of £1,500,000/$2,400,000/€1,900,000 per person, per year
In-patient and day-patient treatment
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for hospital charges, including charges for psychiatric treatment (up to 100 days for lifetime of policy), accommodation and diagnostic tests.
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for surgeons’, anaesthetists’ and physicians’ charges.
Up to six weeks treatment within the overall policy limit for emergency treatment needed in the USA, limited to a total of £15,000/$24,000/€19,125. Only applicable if USA cover is not chosen.
Hospital accommodation paid in full within your area of cover for one parent to stay with a child under 18.
Up to £100/$160/€125 a night up to £500/$800/€625 a year for a parent to stay in a hotel nearby when the child is
having eligible treatment at a hospital that is not in their home town.
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for cancer treatment, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Out-patient treatment
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for surgical procedures.
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for CT, MRI and PET scans.
Up to £500/$800/€635 for drugs and dressings.
Up to £3,500/$5,600/€4,460 in total for:
o Medical practitioner fees
o Psychiatric treatment
o Diagnostic tests
o Physiotherapy treatment
o Up to £300/$480/€380 for vaccinations and their
administration (out of combined limit)
o Up to £300/$480/€380 for complementary practitioner
fees (out of combined limit)
What is insured?
An overall policy limit of £1,000,000/$1,600,000/€1,275,000 per person, per policy year.
In-patient and day-patient treatment
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for hospital charges, including charges for psychiatric treatment (up to 100 days for lifetime of policy), accommodation and diagnostic tests.
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for surgeons’, anaesthetists’ and physicians’ charges.
Up to six weeks treatment within the overall policy limit for emergency treatment needed in the USA, limited to a total of £10,000/$16,000/€12,750.
Only applicable if USA cover is not chosen.
Hospital accommodation paid in full within your area of cover for one parent to stay with a child under 18.
Hotel accommodation paid up to £100/$ 160/€125 a night up to £500/$800/€625 a year for a parent to stay nearby when a child is receiving eligible treatment at a hospital that is not in their home town.
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for cancer treatment, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Out-patient treatment
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for surgical procedures.
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for CT, MRI and PET scans.
Other benefits
No annual maximum within the overall policy limit for emergency or medicaIly necessary ambulance transport.
Emergency evacuation or repatriation.
Up to £10,000/$ 16,000/€12,750 for accidentaI damage to teeth.
Access to a VirtuaI Doctor service for unlimited video appointments and telephone consultations.
Πλεονεκτήματα & Καλύψεις ασφάλισης CIGNA GLOBAL
What is insured?
Annual overall limit: of $2,000,000/€1,600,000/£1,300,000 per beneficiary
per policy year
✔ Out of Area Emergency Hospitalisation Cover (inpatient and daypatient
treatment): $250,000/€200,000/£162,500
✔ Nursing and hospital accommodation for a private room
✔ Treatment for disease resulting from a pandemic, epidemic or outbreak of
infectious illness
✔ Intensive Care
✔ Surgeons’ and anaesthetists’ fees
✔ Specialists consultation fees
✔ Transplant services
✔ Pathology radiology and diagnostic tests
✔ Advanced Medical Imaging (MRI, CT and PET scans): $15,000/€12,000/£9,650
✔ Acupuncture and Chinese medicine: $2,500/€1,850/£1,650
✔ Home nursing: $5,000/€3,700/£3,325
✔ Rehabilitation: $10,000/€7,400/£6,650
✔ Palliative care: $60,000/€44,400/£38,400
✔ Local ambulance and air ambulance
✔ Emergency inpatient dental treatment
✔ Mental and Behavioural Health Care: $10,000/€7,400/£6,650
✔ Cancer care
✔ Cancer related appliances: $125/€100/£85 per lifetime per cancer related
✔ Cancer preventative surgery: 80% refund up to $18,000/€13,300/£12,000
✔ Congenital conditions: $20,000/€14,800/£13,300
✔ Global Telehealth with Teladoc: Unlimited consultations
✔ Routine maternity care: $7,000/ €5,500/$4,500
✔ Complications from maternity: $14,000/€11,000/£9,000
✔ Homebirths: $500/€370/£335
✔ Newborn Care: $75,000/€55,500/£48,000
International Outpatient
Annual maximum of: $35,000/€25,900/£23,275 per beneficiary per policy
• Consultations with medical practitioners and specialists: $5,000/€3,700/£3,325
• Telehealth consultations: $5,000/€3,700/£3,325
• 60+ Care: $1,000/€740/£665
• Pre-natal and post-natal care: $3,500/€2,750/£2,250
• Pathology, radiology and diagnostic tests: $5,000/€3,700/£3,325
• Outpatient rehabilitation: $10,000/€7,400/£6,650
• Acupuncture and Chinese medicine: $5,000/€3,700/£3,325
• Prescribed drugs and dressings: $3,000/€2,200/£2,000
• Genetic cancer test: $2,000/€1,480/£1,330
• Adult vaccinations
• Dental accidents
• Child and Adolescence Wellbeing Health
International Evacuation and Crisis Assistance Plus™
• Medical evacuation
• Medical repatriation
• Repatriation of mortal remains
• Travel costs for an accompanying person
• Compassionate visits – travel costs: $1,200/€1,000/£800
Compassionate visits – living allowance costs: $155/€125/£100
• Crisis Assistance Plus™ Programme
International Health and Wellbeing
• Routine adult physical examinations: $450/€330/£300
• Cancer screenings: $450/€330/£300
• Life Management Assistance programme
• Telephonic Wellness Coaching
International Vision and Dental
• Eye examination: $200/€150/£130
• Spectacle frames and lenses: $155/€125/£100
Dental overall limit: $2,500/€1,850/£1,650
Refund percentages are up to the combined overall limit
• Preventative dental treatment
• Routine dental treatment: 90% refund per period of cover
• Major restorative dental treatment: 80% refund per period of cover
What is insured?
Annual overall limit: Paid in full per beneficiary per policy year
✔ Out of Area Emergency Hospitalisation Cover (inpatient and daypatient
✔ Nursing and hospital accommodation for a private room
✔ Treatment for disease resulting from a pandemic, epidemic or outbreak of
infectious illness
✔ Intensive Care
✔ Surgeons’ and anaesthetists’ fees
✔ Specialists consultation fees
✔ Transplant services
✔ Pathology radiology and diagnostic tests
✔ Advanced Medical Imaging (MRI, CT and PET scans)
✔ Acupuncture and Chinese medicine
✔ Home nursing
✔ Rehabilitation
✔ Palliative care
✔ Local ambulance and air ambulance
✔ Emergency inpatient dental treatment
✔ Mental and Behavioural Health Care
✔ Cancer care
✔ Cancer related appliances: $125/€100/£85 per lifetime per cancer related
✔ Cancer preventative surgery: 90% refund up to $18,000/€13,300/£12,000
✔ Congenital conditions: $39,000/€30,500/£25,000
✔ Global Telehealth with Teladoc: Unlimited consultations
✔ Routine maternity care: $14,000/€11,000/£9,000
✔ Complications from maternity: $28,000/€22,000/£18,0000
✔ Homebirths: $1,100/€850/£700
✔ Newborn Care: $156,000/€122,000/£100,000
Other benefits apply, please refer to the Customer Guide for the full list.
The following coverage details our optional modules, which you can choose to
add to your plan:
International Outpatient
Unlimited annual maximum per beneficiary per policy year
• Consultations with medical practitioners and specialists
• Telehealth consultations
• 60+ Care: $2,000/€1,480/£1,330
• Pre-natal and post-natal care: $7,000/€5,500/£4,500
• Pathology, radiology and diagnostic tests
• Outpatient rehabilitation
• Acupuncture and Chinese medicine
• Prescribed drugs and dressings
• Genetic cancer test: $4,000/€2,950/£2,650
• Adult vaccinations
• Dental accidents
• Child and Adolescence Wellbeing Health
International Evacuation and Crisis Assistance Plus™
• Medical evacuation
• Medical repatriation
• Repatriation of mortal remains
• Travel costs for an accompanying person
• Compassionate visits – travel costs: $1,200/€1,000/£800
• Compassionate visits – living allowance costs: $155/€125/£100
• Crisis Assistance Plus™ Programme
International Health and Wellbeing
• Routine adult physical examinations: $600/€440/£400
• Cancer screenings
• Dietetic consultations
• Life Management Assistance programme
• Telephonic Wellness Coaching
International Vision and Dental
• Eye examination
• Spectacle frames and lenses: $310/€245/£200
Dental overall limit: $5,500/€4,300/£3,500
Refund percentages are up to the combined overall limit
• Preventative dental treatment
• Routine dental treatment
• Major restorative dental treatment
• Orthodontic dental treatment: 50% refund per period of cover
What is insured?
Annual overall limit: of $1,000,000/€800,000/£650,000 per beneficiary per
policy year
✔ Out of Area Emergency Hospitalisation Cover (inpatient and daypatient
treatment): $100,000/€75,000/£65,000
✔ Nursing and hospital accommodation for a private room
✔ Treatment for disease resulting from a pandemic, epidemic or outbreak of
infectious illness
✔ Intensive Care
✔ Surgeons’ and anaesthetists’ fees
✔ Specialists consultation fees
✔ Transplant services
✔ Pathology radiology and diagnostic tests
✔ Advanced Medical Imaging (MRI, CT and PET scans):
✔ Acupuncture and Chinese medicine: $1,500/€1,100/£1,000
✔ Home nursing: $2,500/€1,850/£1,650
✔ Rehabilitation: $5,000/€3,700/£3,325
✔ Palliative care: $35,000/€25,900/£23,275
✔ Local ambulance and air ambulance
✔ Emergency inpatient dental treatment
✔ Mental and Behavioural Health Care: $5,000/€3,700/£3,325
✔ Cancer care
✔ Cancer related appliances: $125/€100/£85 per lifetime per cancer related
✔ Cancer preventative surgery: 70% refund up to $10,000/€7,400/£6,650
✔ Newborn Care: $25,000/€18,500/£16,500
✔ Congenital conditions: $5,000/€3,700/£3,325
✔ Global Telehealth with Teladoc: Unlimited consultations
International Outpatient
Annual maximum of: $15,000/€12,000/£9,650 per beneficiary per policy
• Consultations with medical practitioners and specialists:$2,500/€1,850/£1,650
• Telehealth consultations: $2,500/€1,850/£1,650
• Pathology, radiology and diagnostic tests: $2,500/€1,850/£1,650
• Outpatient Rehabilitation: $5,000/€3,700/£3,325
• Acupuncture and Chinese medicine: $2,500/€1,850/£1,650
• Prescribed drugs and dressings: $1,500/€1,100/£1,000
• Adult vaccinations: $250/€185/£165
• Dental accidents: $1,000/€740/£665
• Child and Adolescence Wellbeing Health
International Evacuation and Crisis Assistance Plus™
• Medical evacuation
• Medical repatriation
• Repatriation of mortal remains
• Travel costs for an accompanying person
• Compassionate visits – travel costs: $1,200/€1,000/£800
• Compassionate visits – living allowance costs: $155/€125/£100
• Crisis Assistance Plus™ Programme
International Health and Wellbeing
• Routine adult physical examinations: $225/€165/£150
Cancer screenings: $225/€165/£150
• Life Management Assistance programme
• Telephonic Wellness Coaching
International Vision and Dental
• Eye examination: $100/€75/£65
• Spectacle frames and lenses: $155/€125/£100
Dental overall limit: $1,250/€930/£830
Refund percentages are up to the combined overall limit
• Preventative dental treatment
• Routine dental treatment: 80% refund per period of cover
• Major restorative dental treatment: 70% refund per period of cover
• Orthodontic dental treatment: 40% refund per period of cover.
Πλεονεκτήματα & Καλύψεις ασφάλισης
Cigna Global CLOSE CARE
Close Care
What is insured?
Core cover
Annual overall limit: of $500,000/ €400,000/£325,000 per beneficiary per policy year
Condition limit: $250,000/€200,000/£165,000
Nursing and hospital accommodation for a semi-private room
Intensive Care
Surgeon’s and Anaesthetists fees
Specialists consultation fees
Transplant services for organ, bone marrow and stem cell transplants
Kidney dialysis: $5,000/€3,700/£3,325
Pathology radiology and diagnostic tests
Advanced Medical Imaging (MRI, CT and PET scans): $2,500/€1,850/£1,650
Physiotherapy and complimentary therapies: $2,000/€1,480/£1,330
Rehabilitation: $2,000/€1,480/£1,330
Hospice and palliative care: $2,500/€1,850/£1,650
Local ambulance services
Emergency inpatient dental treatment: $2,500/€1,850/£1,650
Mental health care: $3,000/€2,200/£2,000
Cancer care
Outpatient and Wellness Care
Annual maximum: of $5,000/€3,700/£3,325 per beneficiary per policy year.
Consultations with medical practitioners and specialists: $100/€75/£65 per visit
Pathology, radiology and diagnostic tests: $1,000/€740/£665
Physiotherapy treatment: $1,000/€740/£665
Osteopathy and chiropractic treatment: $100/€75/£65 per visit
Acupuncture, homeopathy and Chinese medicine: $100/€75/£65 per visit
Prescribed drugs and dressings: $500/€370/£330
Adult vaccinations: $250/€185/£165
Dental accidents: $500/€370/£330
Cancer screenings: $400/€300/£260
Routine adult physical exams: $100/€75/£65
Annual routine tests
Dental Care and Treatment
Annual maximum: of $750/€550/£500 per beneficiary per policy year
Preventative dental treatment
Routine dental treatment: 80% refund per period of cover
Major restorative dental treatment: 70% refund per period of cover
Πλεονεκτήματα & Καλύψεις ασφάλισης
What is insured?
Annual maximum of unlimited per person, unless a sublimit is mentioned
Hospital treatment
Cancer treatment incl. prescribed medicines
Intensive care
Surgical operations and theatre charges
Doctors’ and anaesthetists’ fees
Medicines and dressings
Advanced imaging, pathology, radiology and diagnostic tests
Transplant services
Prosthetic implants and appliances
Prosthetic devices: £2,400/$4,000/€3,000
Home nursing
Hospice and palliative care: £24,000/$41,000/€30,000
Mental health treatment
Kidney dialysis
Local air and road ambulance
Normal delivery/birthing centre/antenatal:
Home delivery: £780/$1,300/€975
Caesarean section (medically essential): £13,800/$23,500/€17,250
Complications of maternity and childbirth
Newborn care: £90,000/$150,000/€110,000 during the first 90 days following birth
Out-patient treatment
Pathology, radiology and diagnostic tests
Specialists consultations
Doctor’s fees
Surgical operations
Prescribed medicines and dressings
Physiotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractors
Treatment by therapists, practitioners and qualified nurses
Mental health treatment
Gender dysphoria MtF/FtM: £56,000/€70,000/$96,000
Dietetic guidance
Health screening and wellness: £600/$1,000/€750
Dental Treatment
Accident related dental treatment
Optional cover
U.S. cover
What is insured?
Annual maximum of £2,000,000/$3,200,000/€2,500,000 per person, unless a sublimit is mentioned
Hospital treatment
Cancer treatment incl. prescribed medicines
Intensive care
Surgeries operations and theatre charges
Doctors’ and anaesthetists’ fees
Medicines and dressings
Advanced imaging, pathology, radiology and diagnostic tests
Transplant services
Prosthetic implants and appliances
Prosthetic devices: £2,400/$4,000/€3,000
Home nursing: £120/$200/€150 daily for 10 days
Hospice and palliative care: £24,000/$41,000/€30,000
Mental health treatment
Kidney dialysis
Local air and road ambulance
Newborn care: £90,000/$150,000/€110,000 during the first 90 days following birth
Out-patient treatment
Surgical operations
Optional cover
U.S. cover
What is insured?
Annual maximum of £3,000,000/$4,800,000/ €3,750,000 per person, unless a sublimit is mentioned
Hospital treatment
Cancer treatment incl. prescribed medicines
Intensive care
Surgical operations and theatre charges
Doctors’ and anaesthetists’ fees
Medicines and dressings
Advanced imaging, pathology, radiology and diagnostic tests
Transplant services
Prosthetic implants and appliances
Prosthetic devices: £2,400/$4,000/€3,000
Home nursing: £200/$320/€250 daily for 20 days
Hospice and palliative care: £24,000/$41,000/€30,000
Mental health treatment
Kidney dialysis
Local air and road ambulance
Normal delivery/birthing centre/antenatal: £3,600/$6,000/€4,500
Home delivery: £780/$1,300/€975
Caesarean section (medically essential): £11,400/$19,000/€14,250
Complications of maternity and childbirth
Newborn care: £90,000/$150,000/€110,000 during the first 90 days following birth
Out-patient treatment
Specialists consultations, pathology, radiology and diagnostic tests: £6,400/$10,900/€8,000
Surgical operations
Physiotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractors
Treatment by therapists, practitioners and qualified nurses
Mental health treatment
Gender dysphoria MtF/FtM: £56,000/ €70,000/ $96,000
Dietetic guidance
Health screening and wellness: £600/$1,000/€750
Dental Treatment
Accident related dental treatment
What is insured?
Annual maximum of £1,700,000/$2,890,000/€2,125,000 per person, unless a sublimit is mentioned
Hospital treatment
Cancer treatment incl. prescribed medicines
Intensive care
Surgeries operations and theatre charges
Doctors’ and anaesthetists’ fees
Medicines and dressings
Advanced imaging, pathology, radiology and diagnostic tests
Transplant services: £150,000/$255,000/€187,500
Prosthetic implants and appliances
Prosthetic devices: £2,000/$3,400/€2,500
Home nursing
Hospice and palliative care: £20,000/$34,000/€25,000
Mental health treatment
Kidney dialysis
Congenital: £20,000/$34,000/€25,000
Normal delivery: £8,000/$13,600/€10,000
Home delivery/birthing centre: £650/$1,105/€810
Caesarean section (medically essential): £13,000/$22,100/€16,250
Complications of maternity and childbirth
Newborn care: £75,000/$127,500/€93,750 maximum benefit for all treatment during the first 90 days following birth
Πλεονεκτήματα & Καλύψεις ασφάλισης
What is insured?
Reasonable costs for claims for medically necessary treatments/ services that are benefits as summarised below.
Inpatient and daycare treatment
Medical costs, kidney dialysis, diagnostic tests and procedures, reconstructive surgery, and speech, language and occupational therapy – in full
Treatment for acute medical conditions that begin before the member is 8 days old, if the member was conceived by natural conception – up to a lifetime limit
Hospital accommodation for parents/legal guardians – in full
Outpatient post-hospitalisation treatment – in full for 90 days after discharge from inpatient/daycare treatment
Rehabilitation – in full for up to 120 days after discharge
Cancer Care – in full
Outpatient treatment – Surgical procedures, outpatient pre-operative tests up to 72 hours before inpatient/daycare treatment, medical practitioners’ and specialists’ fees, prescribed drugs and dressings, MRI scans, X-rays, pathology, diagnostic tests and procedures, kidney dialysis, PET and CT scans – in full
Physiotherapy and complementary medicine
Physiotherapy as part of inpatient/daycare treatment, outpatient physiotherapy for 90 days after inpatient/daycare admission, outpatient physiotherapy – in full
Outpatient podiatry, osteopathic and chiropractic treatment – up to 4,000 USD/ 2,500 GBP/ 3,200 EUR
Outpatient traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, homeopathic treatment, and ayurvedic medicine including ayurvedic herbal preparations and therapies – up to 1,500 USD/ 1,000 GBP/ 1,200 EUR
Mental health treatment
Up to 30 days inpatient psychiatric treatment and psychotherapy
– in full
Outpatient psychiatric treatment and psychotherapy – up to 10,000
USD/ 6,000 GBP/ 8,000 EUR
Durable medical equipment – up to 2,000 USD/ 1,250 GBP/ 1,600 EUR
Treatment for congenital abnormalities – up to a lifetime limit
Treatment for diagnosed HIV/ AIDS and related medical conditions– up to 15,000 USD/ 10,000 GBP/ 12,000 EUR
Organ transplants – kidney, pancreas, liver, heart or lung transplants – in full
Palliative treatment/care for terminal medical conditions – in full
Medical evacuation
Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation within your area of cover – in full
Optional (with added premium): non-emergency medical evacuation and repatriation within your area of cover up to 2,000 USD/ 1,250 GBP/ 1,600 EUR
One compassionate emergency visit – in full
Outpatient dental treatment – treatment for accidental damage to
natural teeth:
– within 90 days following inpatient treatment related to the
accident – in full
– not following inpatient treatment – up to 1,500 USD/ 1,000 GBP/
1,200 EUR.
Optional (with added premium): routine outpatient and major
restorative dental treatment – up to 1,500 USD/ 1,000 GBP/ 1,200 EUR
Optical care – up to 250 USD/ 150 GBP/ 200 EUR
Vaccinations – up to 250 USD/ 150 GBP/ 200 EUR
Routine health checks for non-communicable diseases – up to
1,000 USD/ 625 GBP/ 800 EUR
Outpatient tests and diagnostic procedures for communicable diseases
– up to 500 USD/ 325 GBP/ 400 EUR (Limit applies for each antibody
One sight and one hearing examination – up to 250 USD/ 150 GBP/
200 EUR
One sight and one hearing examination – up to 250 USD/ 150 GBP/ 200 EUR
Hormone replacement therapy for menopause symptoms – up to 500 USD/ 325 GBP/ 400 EUR
Ambulance to the nearest local hospital – in full
Mortal remains – transportation of your mortal remains
if you die outside your home country or burial/ cremation at the place
of your death – in full
Emergency treatment outside area of cover
Inpatient/daycare – up to 50,000 USD/ 30,000 GBP/ 40,000 EUR
Outpatient – up to 500 USD/ 325 GBP/ 400 EUR
What is insured?
Reasonable costs for claims for medically necessary treatments/ services that are benefits as summarised below.
Inpatient and daycare treatment
Medical costs, kidney dialysis, diagnostic tests and procedures, reconstructive surgery, and speech, language and occupational therapy – in full
Treatment for acute medical conditions that begin before the member is 8 days old, if the member was conceived by natural conception – up to a lifetime limit
Hospital accommodation for parents/legal guardians – in full
Outpatient post-hospitalisation treatment – in full for 90 days after discharge from inpatient/daycare treatment
Rehabilitation – in full for up to 90 days after discharge
Cancer Care – in full
Outpatient treatment
Surgical procedures, PET and CT scans – in full
Outpatient pre-operative tests up to 72 hours before inpatient/daycare treatment, medical practitioners’ and specialists’ fees, prescribed drugs and dressings, MRI scans, X-rays, pathology, diagnostic tests and procedures and kidney dialysis – up to 15,000 USD/ 10,000 GBP/ 12,000 EUR
Physiotherapy and complementary medicine
Physiotherapy as part of inpatient/daycare treatment – in full
Outpatient physiotherapy for 90 days after inpatient/ daycare admission, outpatient physiotherapy, outpatient podiatry, osteopathic and chiropractic treatment – up to 2,000 USD/1,250 GBP/ 1,600 EUR
Outpatient traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, homeopathic treatment, and ayurvedic medicine including ayurvedic herbal preparations and therapies – up to 750 USD/ 500 GBP/ 600 EUR
Mental health treatment
Up to 30 days inpatient psychiatric treatment and psychotherapy
– up to 10,000 USD/ 6,000 GBP/ 8,000 EUR
Outpatient psychiatric treatment and psychotherapy – up to 2,000 USD/ 1,250 GBP/ 1,600 EUR
Durable medical equipment – up to 1,000 USD/ 625 GBP/ 800 EUR
Treatment for congenital abnormalities – up to a lifetime limit
Treatment for diagnosed HIV/ AIDS and related medical conditions– up to 10,000 USD/ 6,000 GBP/ 8,000 EUR
Organ transplants – kidney, pancreas, liver, heart or lung transplants – in full
Palliative treatment/ care for terminal medical conditions – in full
Medical evacuation
Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation within your area of cover – in full
Optional (with added premium): non-emergency medical evacuation and repatriation within your area of cover up to 2,000 USD/ 1,250 GBP/ 1,600 EUR
One compassionate emergency visit – in full
Outpatient dental treatment – treatment for accidental damage to natural teeth:
– within 90 days following inpatient treatment related to the
accident – in full
– not following inpatient treatment – up to 750 USD/ 500 GBP/ 600 EUR
Optional (with added premium): routine outpatient and major
restorative dental treatment – up to 1,000 USD/ 625 GBP/ 800 EUR
Vaccinations – up to 250 USD/ 150 GBP/ 200 EUR
Routine health checks for non-communicable diseases – up to 500 USD/ 325 GBP/ 400 EUR
Outpatient tests and diagnostic procedures for communicable diseases – up to 500 USD/ 325 GBP/ 400 EUR (Limit applies for each antibody test)
Hormone replacement therapy for menopause symptoms– up to 500 USD/ 325 GBP/ 400 EUR
Ambulance to the nearest local hospital – in full
Mortal remains – transportation of your mortal remains if you die outside your home country or burial/ cremation at the place of your death – in full
Emergency treatment outside area of cover
Inpatient/ daycare – up to 30,000 USD/ 20,000 GBP/ 24,000 EUR
Outpatient – up to 500 USD/ 325 GBP/ 400 EUR
What is insured?
Reasonable costs for claims for medically necessary treatments/ services that are benefits as summarised below.
Inpatient and daycare treatment
Medical costs, kidney dialysis, diagnostic tests and procedures, reconstructive surgery, and speech, language and occupational therapy – in full
Treatment for acute medical conditions that begin before the member is 8 days old, if the member was conceived by natural conception – up to a lifetime limit
Hospital accommodation for parents/legal guardians – in full
Outpatient post-hospitalisation treatment – in full for 90 days after discharge from inpatient/daycare treatment
Rehabilitation – in full for up to 60 days after discharge
Cancer Care – in full
Outpatient treatment
Surgical procedures, PET and CT scans – in full
Outpatient pre-operative tests up to 72 hours before inpatient/daycare treatment, medical practitioners’ and specialists’ fees, prescribed drugs and dressings, MRI scans, X-rays, pathology, diagnostic tests and procedures and kidney dialysis – up to 5,000 USD/ 3,000 GBP/ 4,000 EUR
Physiotherapy and complementary medicine
Physiotherapy as part of inpatient/daycare treatment – in full
Outpatient physiotherapy for 90 days after inpatient/ daycare admission, outpatient physiotherapy, outpatient podiatry, osteopathic and chiropractic treatment – up to 1,500 USD/ 1,000 GBP/ 1,200 EUR
Outpatient traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, homeopathic treatment, and ayurvedic medicine including ayurvedic herbal preparations and therapies – up to 300 USD/ 200 GBP/ 240 EUR
Mental health treatment
Up to 30 days inpatient psychiatric treatment and psychotherapy
– up to 5,000 USD/ 3,000 GBP/ 4,000 EUR
Outpatient psychiatric treatment and psychotherapy – up to 1,000 USD/ 625 GBP/ 800 EUR
Durable medical equipment – up to 1,000 USD/ 625 GBP/ 800 EUR
Treatment for congenital abnormalities – up to a lifetime limit
Treatment for diagnosed HIV/ AIDS and related medical conditions
– up to 5,000 USD/ 3,000 GBP/ 4,000 EUR
Organ transplants – kidney, pancreas, liver, heart or lung transplants
– in full
Palliative treatment/ care for terminal medical conditions – in full
Medical evacuation
Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation within your area of cover – in full
Optional (with added premium): non-emergency medical evacuation and repatriation within your area of cover up to 2,000 USD/ 1,250 GBP/ 1,600 EUR
Outpatient dental treatment – treatment for accidental damage to
natural teeth:
– within 90 days following inpatient treatment related to the accident
– in full
– not following inpatient treatment – up to 500 USD/ 325 GBP/ 400 EUR
Ambulance to the nearest local hospital
– in full
Mortal remains – transportation of your mortal remains if you die outside your home country or burial/ cremation at the place of your death – in full
Vaccinations – up to 150 USD/ 90 GBP/ 120 EUR
Outpatient tests and diagnostic procedures for communicable diseases – up to 300 USD/ 200 GBP/ 240 EUR (Limit applies for each antibody test)
Emergency treatment outside area of cover
Inpatient/ daycare – up to 15,000 USD/ 10,000 GBP/ 12,000 EUR
Outpatient – up to 500 USD/ 325 GBP/ 400 EUR
What is insured?
Reasonable costs for claims for medically necessary treatments/ services that are benefits as summarised below.
Inpatient and daycare treatment
Medical costs, kidney dialysis, diagnostic tests and procedures, reconstructive surgery, and speech, language and occupational therapy – in full
Treatment for acute medical conditions that begin before the member is 8 days old, if the member was conceived by natural conception – up to a lifetime limit
Hospital accommodation for parents/legal guardians – in full
Outpatient post-hospitalisation treatment – in full for 90 days after discharge from inpatient/daycare treatment
Rehabilitation – in full for up to 30 days after discharge or transferral
Cancer Care – in full
Outpatient treatment
Surgical procedures – in full
Outpatient pre-operative tests up to 72 hours before inpatient/daycare treatment – up to 1,000 USD/ 625 GBP/ 800 EUR
As part of inpatient/daycare treatment – in full
Outpatient physiotherapy for 90 days after inpatient/ daycare admission – up to 750 USD/ 500 GBP/ 600 EUR
Mental health treatment – up to 30 days inpatient psychiatric treatment and psychotherapy – up to 5,000 USD/ 3,000 GBP/ 4,000 EUR
Durable medical equipment – up to 1,000 USD/ 625 GBP/ 800 EUR
Organ transplants – kidney, pancreas, liver, heart or lung transplants – in full
Medical evacuation
Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation within your area
of cover – in full
Optional (with added premium): non-emergency medical
evacuation and repatriation within your area of cover up to
2,000 USD/ 1,250 GBP/ 1,600 EUR
Outpatient dental treatment – treatment for accidental damage to natural teeth following inpatient treatment related to the accident – in full
Ambulance to the nearest local hospital – in full
Mortal remains – transportation of your mortal remains if you die outside your home country or burial/ cremation at the place of your death – in full
Vaccinations – up to 150 USD/ 90 GBP/ 120 EUR
Emergency inpatient/daycare treatment outside area of cover – up to 5,000 USD/ 3,000 GBP/ 4,000 EUR
Πλεονεκτήματα & Καλύψεις ασφάλισης
IMG GlobeHopper
Inpatient and Day Patient Treatment
Hospital accommodations and food
Medical Practitioners and Specialist’s fees
Diagnostic tests
Surgical procedures
Outpatient Treatment
Consultations and wellness benefits
Diagnostic tests
Surgical procedures
Prescribed Outpatient medicines and dressings
International Emergency Care & Assistance
Emergency Medical Evacuation
Emergency Reunion
Cremation/Burial or Repatriation of Remains
Security and Political Evacuation
Natural Disaster Evacuation & Accommodation
Additional Benefits
Hospital Cash Benefit
Hospice care, Home Nursing Care, Extended Care
Personal Accident
Incidental Return Trip cover
Identity Theft Assistance
Dental – due to accident or sudden dental pain
Optional Adventure Sports cover
Optional Personal Liability Endorsement
GlobeHopper Platinum
Inpatient and Day Patient Treatment
Hospital accommodations and food
Medical Practitioners and Specialist’s fees
Diagnostic tests
Surgical procedures
Outpatient Treatment and Wellness Benefits
Consultations and treatment with medical
Diagnostic tests
Surgical procedures
Prescribed Outpatient medicines and dressings
International Emergency Care & Assistance
Emergency Medical Evacuation
Emergency Reunion
Cremation/Burial or Repatriation of Remains
Security and Political Evacuation
Natural Disaster Evacuation & Accommodation
International Emergency Care & Assistance
Hospital Cash Benefit
Sudden and Unexpected reoccurrence of a Preexisting Condition
Adventure Sports
Personal Liability
Hospice care, Home Nursing care, Extended Care
Personal Accident
Incidental Return Trip cover
Criminal Assault Benefit
Identity Theft Assistance
Dental due to Accident or sudden dental pain
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